
Make-up test 1, 2...

I've been quite on a roll here with regards to make-up. I had my second attempt at putting on liquid eyeliner and I confess, it was quite bad. If I didn't have the black eyeshadow to help me cover the dodgy bits, I would have looked like a goth chick with an arm dysfunction. I think I'll lay off the liquid eyeliner and stick to the black eyeshadow as my eyeliner until I can get one of those eyeliner pencils. I think Revlon has a nice and affordable pencil, that even has a shapener on the other end of the stick! Handy!

The Clinique concealer I had purchased is quite a good product. It really covered what needed covering, though perhaps once I finish my almay one, and this clinique one nearly finishes in the future, I may hunt for a more affordable brand of concealer. I'll need to find a brand that I know will not be discontinued, because it is such a good and trusted brand!

I've also dug out my L'oreal make-up brushes, being the rat packer that I am, and decided to actually use them! They're good brushes, but just needed to be cleaned and used frequently, so I cleaned them yesterday and used them today! It's quite a nice feeling, using new make-up brushes, as they are the right tools than the smaller kind. I do have the smaller kind, but those are for if I am in a rush.

I have now decided to cull as much stuff as I can and begin to use the nice stuff, before either they expire, or I do (expire). :p I have so much nice stuff that I never use and I'm changing all that. I'm making sure I'm using nice things, as one only gets to live once. So it's always best to live the best way one knows how and can afford to do so. :) I'm now using a glowing cream given by C, and it's great! I'm learning so many new things! Hee hee!

My visa for the UK is taking quite some time and it's getting me worried. I may decide to blog about that another time.

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