
Blnding Bright Car Headlights, Bloody Hell!

This is to all those car enthusiasts who like to modify their cars. I'm all for customising and pimping your ride, but please, spare some thought for those on the road, especially when it comes to the car's headlights. I do not know why, in Singapore of all places where the roads are very well-lit, people would modify their car's front headlights to emit a blooming, bloody bright white light, so that they could blind the drivers in front of them. I mean it may be flashy and al, but please be aware, it does blind us when we need to look behind to make sure we drive safely. I mean there is a reason why the lights are slightly yellow and are standardised, the people who make the cars aren't stupid, thay're drivers too. Sure, if the area you're living at is so bloody dark that there is only one street light per five kilometres, then sure, have your front headlights modified that way, but isn't that what high beams are for anyway?? (And have been already conviniently installed as part of your car package, what a great deal, isn't it?)

So to all people who modify that part of their car, please spare a thought for all the other drivers who have to look behind, please, spare our eyes. We know that you have the funds to pimp your ride, so maybe spend it on the other parts of your car and remove those blue cellophane additions to the headlights? My eyes will certainly thank you.

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