
Bored as Hell!

It's mooting night tonight at the library where I usually hang out, and it's so busy. Going to be pretty busy by the end of the night, I reckon. Lately, I've been going to the gym and it's made me somewhat energetic, I'm told. Now if only it could be focused towards studying. I've been so preoccupied with doing daily things, that I feel exhausted or 'sian' to study or lift a book. I'm hoping that changes tonight, and I'm glad I've got nothing on tomorrow during the day time. I wish I could be awake to do work, might need some coffee after tonight at the library. Makes me wonder if I'll be able to be in full study mode again.

I've got assignments and a presentation due next week, and so I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish a bulk of it this week. May God Bless me.

My friends (those who I actually know and not some virtual program), don't feel shy to leave a comment or two. :-P

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