
Last Text post to go!!!

I'm currently trying to finish up the last post for my project, way in advance, but I had this thought which I shall act upon immediately after posting this entry. I thought it would be a good idea to synchronise the contents of my folder containing all the data for my video project, as this would lessen any confusion on what data I had not archived, in case any data had not been saved and the website where I was posting fucked up and all my hard work would have gone to the crapper.

The people that are doing the computer systems at uni are not impressive, to me, anyway. I'm sure they're very knowledgeable and have (some, I hope) experience, but from my dealings with them, they're !%$^#*^&*%$%&*#. I wonder what happened to the nice lady who used to be at the reception area for the computer centre. I miss her. Instead, they have this Caucasian guy who seems like he's got a butt plug in his ass all the time. Mind you, although this might be a pretty picture/idea to some, when it came to my dealings with him, it was not the least bit fun.

Currently also helping D download his (boring, IMHO) podcasts and will be going for a spot of driving later! Yay! Going to Viet Hoa afterwards to pick up some sexy wings and thick, long fresh spring rolls, with D and R, just because I have a craving for them. Hee!

Had a conversation with M this arvo too, and she said I was a brave woman, because I was letting someone I love put his thoughts into action. From my perspective, I reckon 99.9% of relationships are a 2-way street, and the phrase 'try being in the other's shoe' rings true to me. I haven't come across any situation that comes under the 0.1% minority of any relationship, so can't think or relay any situations at this point in time. That being said, even being in the other person's shoe, only an understanding can come from it. Whether it agrees with the mindset, beliefs or individual thoughts about the said matter, definitely doesn't have to be similar, or have to be agreed on. That's where disagreement comes into play. The phrase; 'it's OK to agree to disagree' is also quite true. When I first heard it, I couldn't quite catch it, as it was said very quickly. Funny phrases, that I remember, from my own personal experiences.

D's now at my place, watching my first two videos and he's giving me lovely criticism. Yay~~ *hides face* Gah! Post more later!

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