
Broken pieces of an already bruised heart, longing for your return...

Dave left for the UK yesterday, Friday, 26th October 2007, at 1630hours, captain's log. I'm still feeling sad that he's gone away, even as I'm typing my uni work at the moment. Sending him off at the airport was very difficult for me. Being apart from a loved one feels weird, very weird. The dams didn't break, but they were leaking, nevertheless. Went back to his folk's place and send A to the restaurant.

I love you, and I wish the best for you. There's so many things to say and things that I'm feeling, but I would prefer not to blog it. All of it is a lot to take in.

Doesn't help that for tonight, at 2am, we need to set our clocks an hour forward for daylight savings time. One hour wasted and I'm sleepy already. My dissertation is fucked.

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